Related Projects of Donor Agency

Projects List

TS-Topographic Survey, ST-Soil Test, A-Architectural Plan, D-Detail Design, E/M-Electro-Mechanical Design, E/T-Estimate & Tendering, S-Supervision

Sl. No.

Name of Project


Brief Description of Project


Project Cost




Consultancy Fee in Tk.

World Bank / IDA



Construction Supervision of Dormitory Building & Training Centers of the Northern Areas Reduction of Poverty Initiative (NARI) Project, Funded by World Bank, IDA Credit No: 5015- BD.



Client: Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA)

DEPZ, Savar, Dhaka.

a) Construction of 2- Storied Dormitory Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling).

b) Construction of 2- Storied Ladies Hostel Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling).

c) Construction of 2- Storied Training Center Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling) & Boundary wall, Internal Roar, Electricity, Water Supply etc.


IEPZ, Ishwardi, Pabna

a) Construction of 2- Storied Dormitory Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling).

b) Construction of 2- Storied Ladies Hostel Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling).

c) Construction of 2- Storied Training Center Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling) & Boundary wall, Internal Roar, Electricity, Water Supply etc.



IEPZ, Karnafuli, Chittagong.

a) Construction of 2- Storied Dormitory Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling).

b) Construction of 2- Storied Ladies Hostel Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling).

c) Construction of 2- Storied Training Center Building with (4- Storied Foundation including Piling) & Boundary wall, Internal Roar, Electricity, Water Supply etc.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Financed by World Bank / IDA.




Detail Design, Supervision & Monitoring DSM

Consultancy Services for�� DCC infrastructure Component Clean Air- Sustainable Environmental (CASE) Project, Cr- 4581 BD. Funded by IDA, (Urban- Road- Improvement).


Client: Dhaka City Corporation (North & South).

Feasibility Study, Detail Design, Tender Management and Construction Supervision of Dhaka Urban Road in Mahammadpur, Khailgaon, Uttara & Old Town Mirpur, Shamoli & Tejgaon Area 160.0 KM, Pavement Improvement CC Road, improvement of 40-intersection, Street Light, Solar Panel, Time Court down, 20-Nos. Steel Foot over bridge and Fixing of Escalator in Banni Foot over Bridge, Improvement RCC, Pipe & Brick Drain, Foot-path, Environmental Study, Social Safeguard, Topographic Survey, Soil- investigation, Project Management & Monitoring etc. under Dhaka City Corporation, Funded by World Bank.����


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Financed by World Bank / IDA.



Legal and Judicial Capacity Building Project, Contract Package #S-20,
IDA Credit No. 3485-BD under Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs

Construction of -

l  12-storied Judge Court Building Complex at Dhaka with One Basement, Sub-station, Generator, Lift, Fire-fighting, Aluminum Door & Window, Modern fitting & fixing.

l  12-storied Judge Court Building Complex at Dhaka with Basement

l  5-storied Judicial Administration Training Institute Complex (JATIC) in Dhaka with Basement with 12-storied foundation.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Khulna.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Rangpur.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Comilla.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Sylhet.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Bogra.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Noakhali.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Rajshahi.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Barisal

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Mymensingh.

l  5-storied District Judge Court Complex at Pabna.

l  4-storied District Judge Court Complex at Bhola

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Moulvibazar.

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Brahmanbaria.

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Feni.

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Gopalgonj.

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Bagherhat.

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Thakurgaon.

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Munshigonj.

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Cox�s Bazar.

l  Vertical extension of 2nd floor of District Judge Court at Madaripur.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


June 2006

Financed by World Bank / IDA.



Bangladesh Sericulture Research & Training Institute, BSRTI, Strengthening Project,

IDA Credit No. 3004-BD


Client: Ministry of Jute & Textile.

Planning, Designing & Managing Construction of the following works:

(i) Office Building, Staff Quarter, Generator Room, Rearing House, Grainage, (ii) Land Development iii) Internal Road(iv) Fencing and (v) Additional (Pump) at Sakua, Boda, Panchagar


(i)                   Farmhouse, Silk conditioning house, Extension of Research Building, Generator Rooms (2 Nos.), Reeling Shed, Rearing House (60M�) (ii) Renovation of Research Building & Other Buildings (iii) Drainage (iv) Fencing (v) Land Development at BSRTI Campus, Ghoramara, Rajshahi.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


July 2003

Financed by World Bank / IDA.



Agriculture Research Management Project (ARMP) funded by World Bank, IDA Credit No. 2812-BD under Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council (BARC), Ministry of Agriculture

Planning, Designing & Managing Construction of the following works

The Project includes Preparation of Research Master Plan & improvement of Research facilities, training facilities & residential facilities in various Agricultural Research Institute (ARI's) like :

BARI, BRRI, BFRI, FRI, BLRI, BARC. Total structure is about = 200 unit.

Construction of-

         Laboratory cum Research Building,

         Training Institute, Farm Development Master Plan, Open Channel, Irrigation, Drainage facilities

         Construction of Training building,

         Officer's residential building & Staff quarter,

         Sinking of DTW, Water supply, Irrigation etc.

         Internal & External Electrification,

         Furniture for Office, Laboratory,

         Conference hall, Training hall,

         Computer Room etc.

         Boundary wall, Bridge, Culvert etc.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


May 2000

Financed by World Bank / IDA.



Storm Sewerage from Sutrapur to Diagonj, Zirani Khal including construction of 2.5km RCC, Box-culvert to pass the storm sewerage at old part of Dhaka City Corporation under the name of Environmental Improvement Project funded by IDA under Ministry of Local Govt.


Client: Dhaka City Corporation (DCC).

Dhaka City Corporation implemented Dholaikhal�s Improvement Project. The Consultancy is required for the supervisory and review of existing design which including;

(i) Contract Management and Administration,

(ii) Supervision of construction.

The main components of this projects are:

         Construction of R.C.C. Box-culvert about 2.5Km length and size of 2.5mx3.5m to flow drainage wall.

         Casting of R.C.C. box culvert, lined channel, junction boxes.

         Construction of new urban road, about 2.25Km length 24.5 Meter width with 2.5 Meter Footpath on both side. The new road consists of each work, sand filling, sub-base, base, water macadam and bituminous carpeting.

         Detour of prevailing traffic, Demolishing the Narinda Pump house & Bridges etc. at different locations.

         Laying of pre-cast concrete blocks to slopes, Roads works, Fabric filter of slopes, Road gutter & Catch-pit, Footpath, Cabling & street lighting.

Road Pavement

Site preparation, Back filling & Compaction, Macadam Base, Water line/Drain, Bituminous Carpeting, Guide wall, Footpath.

Electrical Works

Election of Pole, Cable laying, Light fixtures, Electric supply connection.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


June 2000

Financed by World Bank / IDA.




         Holding house, Threshing floor, Implement shed

         Repair and Rest house, Dormitory

         Internal road, Irrigation system,

         Deep tube well, Pump house and water supply, Boundary fencing, Godown & Garage,

         Farm development & electrification work,

         Supply of Furniture








Horticulture Research Station at Hathazari, Chittagong:

Construction of-

         Laboratory cum functional building

         4-storied single accommodation for officer

         4-storied single accommodation for staff

         Pso/cso quarter

         Repairing work

         Field house, holding house, nursery house

         Godown & garage

         Land development & farm development,

         Internal road

         Sub-station, electrification work

         Irrigation system & irrigation channel








Horticulture Research Station at Rahmatpur, Barisal :

Construction of-

         Laboratory cum Functional Building

         4-storied single accommodation for staff

         PSO/CSO Quarter & SSO/SO Quarter

         Holding house,

         Threshing floor

         Land Development,

         Farm Development

Deep tube-well and water supply.








Mango Research Station at Nowabgonj :

Construction of-

         Laboratory cum functional building with Training Facilities

         Field house & Threshing floor










Consultancy Service for Avian Influenza Preparedness & |Response Project (AIPRP)

Loan � IDA- credit. Cr. 4340- BD. Of DLS.


Client: Department of Live- stock services.



Construction of Bird (Kitchan) Market, improvement of water & Drainage Facilities etc.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


December 2013

Financed by World Bank / IDA.

39.0 Lakh


Establishment of Forest College at Nasirabad, Chittagong under FRMP (Forest Research Management Project)

Funded by World Bank.


Client: Depart of Forest.

The work includes the :

         Construction of (4-storied Academic/ Educational) building with class room, Laboratories, Conference hall, Administrative section and other related work.

         Construction of 4-storied student hostel, including indoor games, dinning hall, kitchen etc.

         Construction of 4-storied Forest Dormitory

         Land Development work, Retaining wall, Boundary wall, Water Reservoir & Water supply pump house

         Residential building etc.


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


July 1996

Financed by World Bank / IDA.















Consultancy Services for Construction of 15-storied Building with 2-Floor Basement of Head Office Building for Directorate of Primary Education, at Mirpur-2, Dhaka, Funded by ADB.


Client: Directorate of Primary Education, Mirpur-2, Dhaka.

Construction of 15-storied Building with 2-Floor Basement of Head Office Building for Primary Education, Directorate at Mirpur-2, Dhaka, Funded by ADB.

Total Area= 204,000.00 Sft.


Mat Foundation, 4- Lift, Sub- station, Generator, Fire-fighting CC TV, Air- Conditioning, Electro- Mechanical Works.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


December 2014


Asian Development Bank/ ADB




10- Storied Leadership Training Center at Cox�s Bazar under Director ate of primary Education.

Directorate of Primary Education.


Client: Directorate of Primary Education.



10- Storied Training Center Provided with IT Facilities.

  • Training Hall (24 Nos)
  • Computer Lab (4 Nos)
  • Library & IT Facilities Room (4 Nos)
  • Mat Foundation, 4- Lift, Sub- station, Generator, Fire-fighting CC TV, Air- Conditioning, Electro- Mechanical Works.


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


December 2014

Asian Development Bank/ ADB





Consultancy Services for Extension of 150 MW Power Plant up to 2258 MW Combined cycle Power Plant at Khulna under NWPGCL / PDB Financedby ADB.


Client: Bangladesh Power Development Board.

150MW Power Plant. Land Development Boundary wall, Deep Tube well, Over head Water Tank, Water Treatment Plant Surface Drainage, Sewerage Treatment, Pavement Road office Building, Staff Quarter, Dormitory, Boiler- house, Stem- Turbine, Gas- Turbine Work- ship, Open Yard, Main- Power Plant Building etc. Owner Engineer for Design Review & Supervision of Power Plant.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


December -2016

Asian Development Bank/ ADB




Consultancy Services For �Management, Design And Supervision� Of Secondary Towns Water Supply & Sanitation Sector Project (GOB-ADB), ADB Loan No. 2265-Ban (SF).


(16 � Municipalities)


Natore, Sirajgonj, Jessore, Mymensingh, Sherpur, Netrokona, Kishoregonj, Choumohoni, Laksmipur, Madaripur, Foridpur, Pirojpur, Jhenaidha, B.Baria, Moulvibazar.


Client: Department of Public Health Engineer (DPHE)


The Project Includes (i) project management and monitoring, (ii) planning and design of sub-projects, (iii) contract structuring, tendering, execution, and management, (iv) construction supervision, (v) preparation of health education program, (vi) preparation of the tariff awareness program; and The consulting services will also include significant engagement of NGOs to manage the sanitation program, communal water-supply infrastructure improvements, and awareness programs the Project: (vii) piped supply with individual house connections; (viii) shared standpipes; and (ix) shared deep HTW or water points, utilizing arsenic-free groundwater sources for poor households. (x) Improved supply and demand management, (xi) reduction in the unaccounted for water (UFW), (xii) water conservation by the customers, and ultimately (xiii) extension of the daily water supply hours.


        Feasibility Study for 12-Sub-Project (District-Town) under this project.

        Baseline Survey (Topographic Survey)

        House Hold Survey, Survey of existing Landuse Map.

        AIRP = Capacity 300 M3/hr. = 8 nos.

Production Tube well = 78 nos.

Over head water tank = 18 nos. of 680 m3 (capacity /each).

        Surface Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) = 4 nos. capacity = 300 m3 / hr.

        SWTP, Capacity = 600 m3 / hr. at Pirajpur.

        Water Distribution Pipe Line

        110mm to 315 mm dia = 100.60 km

        100 mm to 300 mm dia = 71.72 km

        School Latrine

        Renovation of existing line

        Construction new water connection line, water meter connection etc.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


June 2014

Asian Development Bank/ ADB





Consultancy Services for Construction of 150MW Power Plant Project at Khulna & 150MW Power Plant Project at Sirajgonj under PDB/NWPGCL. Funded by ADB


Client: Bangladesh Power Development Board.

150MW Power Plant. Land Development Boundary wall, Deep Tube well, Over head Water Tank, Water Treatment Plant Surface Drainage, Sewerage Treatment, Pavement Road office Building, Staff Quarter, Dormitory, Boiler- house, Stem- Turbine, Gas- Turbine Work- ship, Open Yard, Main- Power Plant Building etc.



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S



Asian Development Bank/ ADB




Consultancy Services for Architectural & Engineering Design and Supervision of 4-Horticulture Training Centre (HTC) under Northwest Crops Diversification Project (DAE), Financed by ADB.

4 Sites: Tebunia (Pabna), Natore, Kallyanpur (Chapai Nawabgonj) and Burirhat (Rangpur).


Client: Directorate Agriculture Extension (DAE).


Construction of each site : Total 4 sites

Construction of Functional Building (Extension), Dormitory Building (Extension), Cooling Centre, Training Centre, Repair, Maintenance & Renovation Work of others existing Building, Construction of Boundary Wall, Construction of Internal Road, Culvert and Land Development work.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


December 2006

Asian Development Bank/ ADB


10.56 Lakh


Horticulture Development Project (HDP) Funded by ADB Loan No. 1010 BAN (SF), Part-C Horticulture Centre at under Directorate of Agriculture Extension (DAE) at 14 sites


(Total 14-site including about 300-unit of structure).

Construction of each site :

         Laboratory cum functional building with Training

         2-storied PSO/CSO Quarter

         4-storied SSO/SO Quarter

         4-storied single accommodation

         Facilities, Nursery shed,

         Gardener & Guard shade

         Residential building, Repairing & renovation

         Land development,

         Deep tube well, Pump house, Water reservoir & irrigation channel & irrigation system,

         Internal road, boundary fencing

         Sub-station & electrification work

         Threshing floor, Implement shade

         Supply of furniture etc. at Kallyanpur, Baradi, Rahmatpur, Ramghar, Natore, Tebunia, Daulatpur, Rajbari, Jamalpur, Keyotkhali, Gaital-Solakia, Balaghata, Panchgachia, Barirhat



TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S


Sept. 1999

Asian Development Bank/ ADB




Horticulture Research Centre Project Funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loan No. 1010 BAN (SF) Horticulture Research Centre at Joydebpur under Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI), Ministry of Agriculture


(Total 5-sites including about 100-unit of structure)


Client: Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI), Ministry of Agriculture.


Planning, Designing & Managing construction of the following works:

         2-storied Laboratory cum functional building with conference hall & Library

         2-storied field house

         Threshing Floor, Nursery shed, Implement shed

         Irrigation channel & irrigation facilities

         Sub-station, Electrification work

         Deep tube well and pump house, water reservoir

         Internal road, Potter shed, Garage, Godown

Vegetable & Citrus Research Station at Akbarpur, Moulvibazar:

Construction of-

         2-storied PSO/CSO Quarter

         3-storied SSO/SO Quarter

         4-storied single accommodation for officer

         4-storied single accommodation for staff

         Laboratory building with conference hall field house

         Furniture work etc.


TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S

Tk. 16.00 Crores

May 1998

Asian Development Bank/ ADB








Consultancy Service for Design Review & Construction Supervision for Construction of Teesta Bridge (1490.M) Long. Bark Protection work about 75 KM. Upazila Road, 11 Nos. Bridge (50M to 100 M), 45 RCC. Culvert of LEGED at Gaibandha District Funded by SAUDI- FUND for Development (SFD) OPEC.


Client: LGED.


2x150MW Power Plant. Land Development Boundary wall, Deep Tube well, Over head Water Tank, Water Treatment Plant Surface Drainage, Sewerage Treatment, Pavement Road office Building, Staff Quarter, Dormitory, Boiler- house, Stem- Turbine, Gas- Turbine Work- ship, Open Yard, Main- Power Plant Building etc.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S






Detail Design & Construction Supervision for Construction of R.C.C. Jetty and approach road in Kutubdia Offshore Island, Cox�s Bazar.


Client: BIWTA.


Construction of R.C.C. Jetty at

(a)      Satteruddin

(b)      Baraghope

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S

Tk. 6.25 Crores










Live � Stock Development for Small & Marginal Farmers in 80- Elected Thena Funded by IFAD- Loan under DLS � 280 BA. Under DLS.



Consultancy Services for Design & Construction Supervision of 2- Storied Poultry, Sheed, Deep Tube well, Water Reservoir, ump- house, Water Supply, Drainage, Feed mixture mix room, Store- room, Boundary wall, internal road Electricity etc.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S

3.50 Crores



6.50 Lakh





Poultry Management Technique improvement Project BLRI- SAVAR. Funded by JICA


Design & Supervision of 2- Storied office Building, 2-Storied Laboratory Building, Various Animal- Sheed, Internal Road, Electricity, Deep Tube well, Pump house, Water Reservoir etc.

TS, ST, A, D, E/M, E/T, S

3.10 Crores

August- 2001


5.0 Lakh

Some Donor Agency individual projects
